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Cost of studying in Canada

The tuition fees vary from the school and program of study for the international students. Tuition fees for a local student start from $6000 CA and may vary according to undergraduate and postgraduate courses. Tuition fees for an international student vary between $15000 to $30000 CA as per the educational program opted by the candidate. Sometimes the insurance fees for the international student are not included with courses fees, so at that time the student needs to get insurance done from a private insurance provider. There is also a scholarship program for worldwide scholars. The scholarship program is highly competitive. Many monetary aids are also offered to international students at the graduate, postgraduate and doctoral levels. Other expenses related to study can be buying of study material for the course, or even a laptop and maybe material for a scientific laboratory.

Cost of Living in Canada

The cost of living in Canada is less as compared to other developed countries. The cost of living of a Canadian student is less compared to an international student because the international student needs to pay additional fees. Most of the universities are government-funded so it offers few subsidies to international students also. For a scholar student, the tuition fees are more convenient. The student can either seek shelter in a homestay or university lodging or private lodging each accommodation vary in price. The usual price for accommodation for a year is $6000.The estimated student expenditure in Canada varies between $10000 to $15000 a year exclusive of tuition dues and accommodation expenses. The expenses may differ according to the big cities in Canada but the basic day to day expenses are:

  • Travel expense: $2 to $3
  • Entertainment expense: like movie tickets costs between $12 to $13.
  • Daily food expenses: A meal can cost $10 to $15.